Monthly Archives: February 2012

Saving your bacon (fat)

bacon fat

One of the things I love about being a stay-at-home mom is finding ways to help us stretch our dollars, particularly when it involves finding uses for things I used to just throw away. Today’s example: bacon fat. For years, I’ve just thrown all that lovely bacon fat out after frying it up in a…

What is Paleo?

Salmon cakes

I’m not a scientist, and there are other experts who could explain the science behind the Paleo diet much better than I ever could, but I’ll tell you how I like to think of the Paleo diet and why it makes sense to me. Paleo is about eating what we were biologically designed to eat.…

Why we eat what we eat

Morning Glory Muffins

My journey to the Paleo diet began seven years ago when I met my husband. At the time, I was a recovering vegetarian (meaning I had given up vegetarianism but still didn’t eat red meat). My husband has celiac disease, and as our relationship grew, my relationship with food evolved as well. At first, of…

Welcome to my world!


Welcome! I’m Eryn, a stay-at-home mom of a two-year-old son. Our family is a little different from most. My son’s toys are mostly wooden, he’s never slept in a crib and his diapers are cloth (well, were cloth — we’re working on potty training now). If you open our fridge, you’ll find lots of fresh…

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